2009 was a fun year. I traveled to 42 cities, 4 countries and logged over 100k miles. I also found time to stay at home and do stuff. Looking back on the year, some things really stand out. For instance:
- Up’s tear-jerking silent vignette. With each new film, Pixar finds some way to top itself. The marvelous innovation inUp was the wordless sequence near the beginning, set to Michael Giacchino’s wistful score, depicting Carl and Ellie’s entire life together — including the sad fact that they can’t have children. Who else would dare to try that? And who but Pixar could pull it off so gracefully?
- I Like This Song. I started a little experiment in May of placing a good song i like every day to the blog ilikethissong.com. At first it was easy because there were so many songs i was bursting to share. But as the year wore on, i got more selective and paid more attention to what i was putting up. The real treat, however, has been the followers of ILTS who have sent me new music and tunes.
- The Android OS. I went to the largest mobile phone conference in the world last February and saw thousands of phones that were running Windows Mobile OS that was vastly inferior to the iPhone. I came away from there thinking that the iPhone was going to crush everyone for the next 10 years. Luckily Google’s OS has grown up and is the real deal. This is the year when the race for the future of mobile actually started
- Brett Favre. Say what you want about him, but for me he has transformed the Vikings from a team that drove me crazy to watch to a team to be proud of every week. He was inspiring and regardless of how early we go out in the playoffs (i’m thinking first round) i’ll always remember this season because of him.
- Zach Galifinakis and The Hangover. Zach G. had slipeed under my radar until The Hangover which was this summer’s must-see movie. I thought he made the film and i was even more delighted to see that his webepisodes of Between Two Ferns prove him a true comedic talent
- Death of Old Media. Magazines crumbled. Newspapers folded. Online usage soared. People who were in the print business ran scared. Some tried to adjust their print properties. Others just wove a white flag. It become evident this year that online is where the users are and if you’re not moving your media business there, you’re either going to downsize or disappear. This was of personal interest to me as i spent lots of 2009 looking at the advertising piece of this at Buzz and looking at the opportunities this new world creates with Tobes.
- In-N-Out burger. I ate so much In-N-Out in 2009 that this could very well be the year of the Double-Double. Thanks to JT, Pedro and JStreet for coming with me time after time after time.
- eReaders / Kindle. The Kindle came on strong this year and The Nook is looking like a solid competitor. While neither may be long solutions with their closed formats, they have gained serious attention and sales. I also read my first books on electronically this year and i can easily picture a future when books are primarily sold without paper.
- Obama. He came out of nowhere. We were about to elect someone into the Presidency (Hilary) which would have had two families (Clinton’s and Bush’s) control the office for over 24 years. THis was not the America i was down with and i was just about to write off the political system for good when Obama came along. Sure, you can complain about different things he’s done in office thus far but he’s engaged me and he’s made me pay attention. I respect his reasoning. That word, “hope,” is a strange one and it was a big part of 2009 for me due to him.
- Avatar, Star Trek and Sci-Fi. This year was an incredible year for sci-fi. I thought Star Trek was awesome, the little indie flick District 9 was refreshing and extremely well done, and of course James Cameron’s epic, Avatar – the film that needed new technology just to complete it – rocked the end of the year. These films showed that sci-fi is alive and kicking and isn’t some little repetitive genre reserved for geeks and nerds.
- A Personal Stream of Information From Friends. Before 2009, my RSS feed dominated my web browsing experience. Twitter and Facebook worked their tail off in ’09 to change the web landscape. Their impact has been incredible. The personal stream of information is how many people are now receiving their news and media. What this means is that the web (and possibly life) won’t ever be the same. I can’t wait to see where it leads
- D Wood. Last and most importantly it’s D. Say what you will about LA but it brought me to Diane and more than anything it will be a year remembered as the year i met her. That one little meeting has changed everything.
Happy 2009 everyone. It’s been a fantastic year and I wish you all the best in 2010.